

Articles On The Formation of the MPSSAA From 1945 and 1946

The following is a collection of articles related to the formation of the MPSSAA.

The Sun Sports: STATES SCHOOLS WILL COMPETE:  Maryland Public Schools To Form Association by Craig E. Taylor. OCTOBER 30, 1945 For the first time since 1940, there will be competition in athletics among county high schools of Maryland to decide the championships in various sports beginning with basketball.  

Dr. Thomas C. Ferguson, who recently resumed his position as State supervisor of physical education and recreation, outlined the plan for resumption of the competitive program upon an even more expanded scale at a meeting held in conjunction with the school teacher’s convention here.  

To Plan Setup - A start has been made. Dr. Edwin Broome, Superintendent of Montgomery County schools, and Stewart Fitzgerald, Superintendent of Caroline County schools, with Dr. Ferguson form a committee of three to work out a preamble to the organization.  They will submit their plan to a larger group of superintendents as soon as it is formulated.

Each county will run its own leagues to determine a champion.  The champions then will meet in intercounty play.  It is hoped that the basketball competition will be completed within three weeks.  

A bowling tournament to be conducted upon a telegraph basis, also is planned, for both girls and boys competing.  

Herald Mail - Hagerstown, MD - Athletics Placed Back on Program - State Championships to be Decided in Various Branches of Sports - OCTOBER 30, 1945 - After a five-year lapse, regular athletic competition among Maryland county high schools will be resumed shortly to determine state championships in various sports.  

Dr. Thomas C. Feruguson, who recently resumed his position of state supervisor of physical education and recreation, outlined plans today for an extensive sports program, to begin with competition in basketball during the coming season.     

Under present plans, each county will run its own leagues to determine a champion.  The winning teams will rehn meet in intercounty play.  

Other Sports Planned - A bowling tournament, to be conducted upon a telegraphic basis with both boys and girls competing, also is under consideration.  Dr. Ferguson said that golf, tennis, baseball and track and field competition were planned for throughout the summer season.  

An experiment in six-man football in county high schools also is on the projected program, he said. 

The Baltimore Sun - State Athletic Body Will Be Formed Today - January 26, 1946 - Organization of the Health and Physical Education Association of Maryland Schools is scheduled today at the Pratt Library, Central building, at 9:30 o’clock.  

Tom Ferguson, State supervisor of physical education and recreation, who will become executive secretary of the new organization, has prepared an agenda which will include adoption of a constitution.  

The new organization is expected to develop athletics, both interschool and intramural, to a point never before attempted in Maryland.  

The counties of the State are to be divided into five divisions for competition.  The districts are:

  1. Allegany, Frederick, Garrett, and Washington.
  2. Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George’s, and St. Mary’s
  3. Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, and Howard.
  4. Caroline, Cecil, Kent and Queen Anne’s.
  5. Dorchester, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, Worcester.

The Sun, Baltimore, Sunday Morning, - Maryland School Association Will Begin Sport Program in Spring - Brish Named Group Head - Would Co-Operate With College Basketball Invitational - January 27, 1946 - William Brish, assistant superintendent of schools of Prince Georges county, was chosen president of the Health and Physical Education Association of Maryland Schools at the organization meeting of that body held here yesterday at the Pratt Library.    

The new organization decided to begin its athletic projects with the spring sports of this year, and would work co-operatively with the colleges of Maryland should a basketball invitation tournament be undertaken.

From the colleges and universities, Geary Eppley, Maryland; Charley Havens, Western Maryland, and Tom Kibler, Washington College, all directors of athletics, attended.  Colonel Girswold of Western Maryland, also was present.  

Other Officers Chosen - Other officers chosen by this first representative assembly from all the counties included Herbert Steiner, supervisor of health and education in Baltimore County, vice president, and Dr. Thomas Ferguson, State supervisor of physical education and recreation, executive secretary-treasurer.   

Dr. Ferguson, who initiated the association, outlined its scope in the first address, emphasizing that the primary interest of this first meeting lay in intramural and interschool competitive athletics; and that the organization includes the county public high schools of Maryland.  Dr. Thomas Pullen, State Superintendent of Schools also spoke to the assembly, cited the great interest in health and physical education and the need of an adequate program as revealed by selective service examinations.  

He added that he felt the program had the interest and hearty support of superintendents, principals, teachers and others, and that the formation of such an association as this was an important step and part in the total educational program.

In addition to the officers named, Milson Raver, executive secretary of the Maryland State Teachers Association, was elected ex officio member of the executive committee and the association.  

The next step in organizing the school athletics will be an executive committee meeting on February 8 to consider implementing the program and to set the date for the next representative assembly.  

The counties of Maryland have been divided into five districts, and each will have its members on the executive committee as follows: District 1 Arthur Ramey, Assistant to the superintendent, Allegany county; District 2, Paul Barnhart, principal of Bladensburg High, Prince George’s county; District 3, James E. Solt, principal of Manchester High, Carroll County; District 4, Maurice Dunkle, principal, Chesapeake High, Cecil county, and District 5, William Twilley, Mardela High, Wicomico county.     


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