

Organizational Structure

     The MPSSAA derives its authority from both the Maryland State Department of Education and the local school systems.  Both the local school systems and the State Department of Education have individual and cooperative roles in the authorization and support of the MPSSAA.

     With the authority granted to the MPSSAA, the Association supervises and administers all rules and regulations, provides leadership in conducting athletic programs, recommends the development of new and innovative athletic programs, and performs all other functions as stated in the "Master Agreement Outlining the Interscholastic Structure for Public Schools in Maryland".

     The Association is under the direction of the Executive Director and consists of a staff that conducts the day-to-day business of the Association.  Included in the staff is an Assistant Director, Coordinator of Officials, Program Specialist, and an Administrative Assistant.

     In order to effectively conduct the Association's business between Board of Control meetings, there is an Executive Council composed of a President, President-Elect, Past President, the Executive Director, a representative of the Maryland Secondary Schools Principals' Association and a representative from each of the nine District Associations within the state.

            District 1 – Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett, and Washington Counties.

            District 2 – Montgomery County.

            District 3 – Prince George's County.

            District 4 – Charles, Calvert, and St. Mary's Counties.

            District 5 – Anne Arundel and Howard Counties.

            District 6 – Baltimore County.

            District 7 – Cecil and Harford Counties.

            District 8 – Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot,

                                Wicomico, and Worcester Counties.

            District 9 – Baltimore City.

     The legislative powers of the MPSSAA are entrusted to a Board of Control which meets twice a year to vote on the different issues surrounding the Association, discuss and review the financial activities, and preside over any other business.  The members of the Board of Control are selected as follows:

            a.  One delegate appointed by each school system Superintendent.

            b.  Three Superintendents to represent all school system Superintendents.

            c.  Representatives from each of the school systems, based on the school enrollment
                 in grades 9-11 in all member schools in the system, according to the following

                                                Enrollment                              Representatives        

                                                1 - 11,999                                             1

                                                12,000 - 19,999                                   2

                                                20,000 - 27,999                                   3

                                                28,000 - 35,999                                   4

                                                36,000 - above                                    5

            d.  Each appointed Board of Control member, if present, shall have one vote.

     In addition, there are many standing and tournament committees that administer the 24 state tournaments as well as a number of other programs.  Among the many duties of all of the committees is to submit all proposals to the Executive Council for review and/or recommendations to the Board of Control.

200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD21201 | P:410.767.0555 | F:410.333.3111
Office Hours: Mon-Fri:7:30AM - 4:30PM

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