

Clarence Johnson Honored With NFHS State Award For Outstanding Service!!

May 11, 2018 10:30 AM
Executive Director Andy Warner presents award to Clarence Johnson surrounded by friends and co-workers at the District 8 Dinner Meeting on 5/10/18.

     Last night at the annual District 8 Dinner Meeting, Executive Director Andy Warner presented the NFHS State Award for Outstanding Service to Clarence Johnson, the current Executive Director of the Bayside Conference in recognition of his nearly 50 years of service to the student-athletes of the Maryland.  It was certainly appropriate that the presentation take place in front of so many friends, colleagues, administrators, and coaches associated with the Bayside Conference and District 8!

     Clarence began his career in 1969 at Washington HS as a social studies teacher and coach but quickly moved up the ranks and became Principal there in 1971.  The District Offices in Somerset County spotted his talent and made him Supervisor of Transportation in 1983 and then an Assistant Superintendent in 1994, where he remained until his retirement in 2005.  While being an school and school system administrator, Clarence kept his hand in interscholastic athletics and represented Somerset County in the formation of the Bayside Conference.  He became the first Principal to serve as Bayside President from 1977-1979 and followed that term with stint as Bayside Treasurer until 2001.

     Through those same years, Clarence simultaneously held many roles within the MPSSAA.  He was elected and served as MPSSAA President from 1986-1988, represented the Bayside Conference/District 8 on the MPSSAA Executive Council, Board of Control, Finance Committee, as well as on numerous other committees and task forces.  Please join us in honoring and congratulating Clarence Johnson for his unwavering dedication and continuing service to educational athletics in our state!

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