

Coaches' Conference Gets High Marks From Attendees Again!!

April 24, 2017 10:00 AM
MPSSAA News slide.

     The 2nd annual Coaches' Conference was held Saturday, April 22, 2017 at North Point High School for fall and winter coaches.  By all measures, it received high marks from the attendees and was deemed another resounding success, thanks to the hard work and effort of the Conference Committee led by Earl Hawkins.

     Jim Harshaw, Associate Director of the Virginia Athletics Foundation, kick-started the day talking to the coaches about using failure as a path to success.  Morning workshop session topics that were covered included sportsmanship (Brad Criss, Thomas Stone AD), a HUDL video software tutorial (Matt Miler and Troy Edmison), NCAA Initial Eligibility requirements Chandra Bierwirth GW University Associate AD and Dom Zaccarelli, Westlake AD), and strength training and conditioning (Georgetown University strength and conditioning coaches).  The morning concluded with a general session for all as Ron Belinko covered the legal duties of coaches from a risk management perspective.

     Following a delicious lunch, coaches attended sport specific sessions which included Cross Country/Indoor Track (Mark Pryor, CCBC-Catonsville), Field Hockey (Jessica Seay, St Mary's College), Football (Shepherd University staff), Volleyball (Michael Bossom, Goucher College/Centennial HS), Basketball (Tom Dickman, Director of Athletics, Hood College), Wrestling (Kerry McKoy, University of Maryland), and Soccer (Greg Andrulis, George Mason University). 

     Our thanks go out to not only the extensive time and effort put forth by the Conference Committee, but to North Point High School and their staff, led by Athletic Director Andy Shattuck.  It makes it a pleasure to work with such high quality professionals!



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