

Football Playoff News and Reminders

November 9, 2014 10:24 AM
Participating Schools, Coaches and School Administrators

     Schools participating in the 2014 MPSSAA State Football Tournament should familiarize themselves with the MPSSAA Fall Bulletin Introduction and Football Bulletin.  The following information is designed to answer frequently asked questions regarding the state tournament.


     Members of the media covering the MPSSAA Football playoffs should familiarize themselves with the MPSSAA media page found on Any member of the media wishing to broadcast or video/audio stream an MPSSAA regional or state football contest must complete the proper paperwork.  Broadcasting companies should contact Jill Masterman in the MPSSAA office for further details.  Members of the media wishing to obtain credentials for the football state finals must apply for credentials through the media page of prior to the start of the event.

Region and State Tournament Schedule and Results

     The MPSSAA will publish and update the schedule and results for each week of the 2014 Football Playoffs on  Schedules throughout the week may change and any changes to the initial schedule will be made in red.  Host sites for the region semifinal, finals, and state semifinals will be at the higher seed home field or a field determined by that local school system to conform to the criteria in the MPSSAA Football Bulletin.  State finals will be played at M & T Bank Stadium.


     The MPSSAA will issue tickets to each host site.  Only MPSSAA Complimentary passes shall be accepted at sites (please refer to the MPSSAA Fall Bulletin Intro and Football section).  Tickets for the regional semifinals and finals will cost $6.00 for admission, $8.00 at state semifinals, and $10.00 at state finals.

     For advanced sale tickets to selected region contests, state semifinals, and the state finals, go to and click on "State Finals Tickets" button or go directly to

Team Tournament Entry Form Due

     Each school advancing past the region semifinal round must complete the team tournament entry form.  The tournament entry form is due on Monday, November 17, 2014 and can be found on on the Athletic Director's account page.  This page is password protected and each school has a username and password that has been passed out to only Athletic Directors.

State Semifinal Teams Reseeded

     A reminder that those schools advancing to the state semifinals that teams will be reseeded based on their final regular season points average. The team coming out of each region with the highest regular season points average will be seeded one, followed by the second highest points average and so on.

MPSSAA Media Form

     The MPSSAA media form is located on the football page of in main menu on the left hand side of the football main page.  This time-sensitive material is due to the MPSSAA office by no later than 12 Noon on Monday, November 24th.

MPSSAA Football Press Conference Luncheon

     The MPSSAA will host its annual football press conference on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at M & T Bank Stadium.  The head coach of each semifinal team is required to attend as important information will be provided regarding the football semifinals and finals. In addition, coaches will meet with members of the media.  Members of the media wishing to attend must contact Sharon Komornik in the MPSSAA Office.

State Finals at M & T Bank Stadium

     The State Finals at M & T Bank Stadium will take place on December 4th, 5th, and 6th.  Class 3A will play on Thursday, December 4th at 7:00 pm, Class 4A will play on Friday, December 5th at 7:30 pm, Class 1A and 2A will play on Saturday, December 6th at 3:30 pm and 7:00 pm.

     Tickets for the state finals are currently on sale at  The MPSSAA encourages those attending the state finals to purchase and print their tickets ahead of time to avoid long lines at ticket windows and entrances.  Schools should also direct students, fan,s and parents to the MPSSAA "Fan Focus" for information regarding attending the state football finals.

     Schools participating in the state finals will receive further information at the press luncheon on November 25th and in the last minute bulletin that will be distributed at that time. 

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