
Info Center

Media Information

     Welcome to the MPSSAA Media Information landing page!  Located in this section of our website are forms and instructions for members of the print and visual media covering MPSSAA Championship events.  Any questions regarding credentialing at state championship events or broadcasting of playoff events should be referred to Assistant Director Jason Bursick.


     The MPSSAA will credential members of the media for state championship events. The MPSSAA Office does not issue credentials to state series preliminary events on the regional levels. State series event managers are instructed to provide complimentary admission and extend professional courtesies to representatives of news media organizations upon presentation of valid news media photo identification.

     Credentialing is on a first come, first served basis and depends on the space available at the facility.  The MPSSAA may deny or revoke credentials for noncompliance with MPSSAA policies and conduct for which there are reasonable grounds to believe violates state or federal law, or constitutes a breach of professional ethics.  The MPSSAA will  research all media requests through vetting criteria that includes:
  • Organizations must have an established, longstanding history of coverage.
  • Organizations must have credibility as a news-gathering organization.
  • Organizations must have editorial oversight.
  • Organizations must create original content which can only be generated by being onsite at an activity.
  • Organization's coverage must go beyond the distribution of in-game scoring/statistics updates and highlights.
  • Organizations that are exclusively social media-based will not be approved.
  • Organizations that provide documentary coverage of teams and/or individuals will not be approved.
  • Organizations that are scouting, ranking or recruiting services, college coaches, private clubs or specialty websites that are promotional services for an activity will not be approved.
      MPSSAA credentialing is for use solely in connection to news and editorial coverage of the event.  Any non-editorial, commercial or other unauthorized use of any transmission, picture, film, videotape, audiotape, writing, drawing or other depiction of any game, game action, game information, player interview or other stadium activity, and any non-editorial or commercial use of the MPSSAA mark or logo is prohibited without prior specific written approval of the Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association.  To obtain media credentials for the MPSSAA state championships, please go to the Credential Request page located in the menu to the left.  Organizations requesting media credentials must sign up on the Credential Request page at least one day prior to the event start date.  Those not on the media credential list at the event will not be provided credentials on-site.  
     School athletic directors shall request credentials for their school photographer/reporter.  One photographer/reporter from each participating school, in team championship events, will be allowed pending space availability, in addition to official press photographers.  Athletic directors, please remember that high school media credentials are intended solely for students, or sponsors, in the school journalism, yearbook, or website program(s).  High school media credentials will not be considered for parents, booster clubs, spirit groups or other coaches to take pictures or footage of the contest.  Please do not submit a parent or community member’s name for on-court photography


     We like to try to maintain a current Media Distribution list so that we can email media outlets with our press releases and news information regarding MPSSAA events.  To be placed on this list, please email your name, media outlet, phone number, and email address to MPSSAA Media List.


     Any credentialed individual (including news print, internet, new media, television and radio) for an MPSSAA event must abide by the MPSSAA policies regarding blogging. Blogs many not produce any form of "real-time" accounts or descriptions of the event. Real-time accounts or descriptions are any coverage that provides continuous play-by-play, live and real-time statistics or continuous detailed descriptions of the event. Periodic updates, scores and statistics are acceptable. Determination of periodic compared to real-time accounts is at the sole discretion of the MPSSAA and has the right to revoke credentials at any point during the event.    


     The MPSSAA must be contacted, in writing, for permission to cablecast, telecast, or webcast (video stream) live or on a delayed basis, a contest or any portion of a contest.
     Persons photographing or videotaping a contest, and stations cablecasting, telecasting, or webcasting (video streaming) a contest must remain in the areas that have been designated for spectators, sports photographers, schools, cable/television stations, or internet video broadcasters, respectively.
     Persons cablecasting, telecasting, photographing, videotaping, or webcasting (video streaming) a contest shall not stand on any unsafe or potentially hazardous physical object or facility.  Persons cablecasting, telecasting, photographing, videotaping, or webcasting (video streaming) a contest shall not interfere with the visibility and comfort of spectators, shall not present a safety hazard to spectators, and shall not disrupt, disturb, or interfere with the competition or with an individual competitor.  In the interest of public safety, the use of unmanned aircraft systems (drones) for broadcast or photographic purposes is prohibited during MPSSAA district, region, and state tournament competition.  Unmanned aircraft systems may not operate in airspace over host school grounds or facilities conducting MPSSAA events.
     All broadcast agreements can be found in the menu on the left hand side of this page.  Please review the broadcast agreement and the fee structure.  Completed forms can be faxed to the MPSSAA at 410-333-3111 or scanned and emailed as an attachment to the MPSSAA.


     Photography of MPSSAA state championship series events is strictly for the purpose of news and editorial coverage of the event.  ONLY those photos that appear in an actual newspaper or publication that the credential member of the media represents may be sold upon request.  No other photographs or any other visual material taken at a MPSSAA event may be sold without express written consent of the MPSSAA.  The actual newspaper or publication means a publication printed on paper and distributed to the homes of subscribers or sold at newsstands, or a news website or application operated by the organization that publishes such newspaper or publication.
     In the interest of public safety, the use of unmanned aircraft systems (drones) for photography or any other purpose is prohibited during MPSSAA district, region, and state tournament competition.  Unmanned aircraft systems may not operate in airspace over host school grounds or facilities conducting MPSSAA events.


     All members of the media shall pass through the designated media entrance, if available.  Members of the media must display professional credentials with photo identification and may be asked to sign in.  Bags and equipment may also be inspected for security purposes.


     A designated press area will be made available, where possible, for members of the media to view and report on contests.  Members of the media should contact the site coordinator prior to an event for access to phone lines, Ethernet or wireless access.  The MPSSAA will do its best to provide this when available.

200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD21201 | P:410.767.0555 | F:410.333.3111
Office Hours: Mon-Fri:7:30AM - 4:30PM

© Copyright 2025 Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.