
Info Center

Broadcast Fees


     The fees below for TV broadcasts or internet streaming are only for those events NOT being broadcast by our media partners at the NFHS Network.  Please scan and send appropriate signed contract along with a check copy PRIOR to the event to our media liaison, Assistant Director Jason Bursick (410-767-0415).  Then send the originals via US Mail to his attention at: MPSSAA - Ground Floor,  200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.

                                                                   T E L E V I S I O N           I  N  T  E  R  N  E  T

Sport                Level                Radio        Live     Delayed/VOD     Live    Delay/On-Demand

FOOTBALL      Region                $150       $1,500         $750                 $500             $250
                         State Semis        $150       $1,500         $750                 $500             $250
                         State Finals        $150       $3,000*       $1,500*            $1,000*        $500*
BASKETBALL   Region                $50         $1,000         $500                 $250             $150
                          State Semis &
                              State Finals   $100       $2,000         $1,000              $750             $250
ALL OTHER      Region               $25         $500            $250                   $150             $75
SPORTS            State Semis &

                              State Finals   $25         $1,500         $750                  $300             $150

                          * - Denotes that these events rights are currently under the ownership of
                               Sinclair Broadcasting and are not available for purchase until further notice.

200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD21201 | P:410.767.0555 | F:410.333.3111
Office Hours: Mon-Fri:7:30AM - 4:30PM

© Copyright 2025 Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.