In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, visitors to this site may view meeting announcements, agendas, and meeting minutes for the MPSSAA Executive Council and MPSSAA Board of Control. The Executive Council meets three times per year in Fall, Winter, and Spring. The Board of Control meets twice a year, usually in December and April. Both groups can have a meeting called on an emergency basis in addition to the customary planned meetings. The most recent meeting materials are listed at the top of the respective lists. For those needing to refer to our Handbook for our association bylaws, please select the hyperlink and scroll to pages 17 through 35.
6/10/20 Meeting Minutes.
Spring, 2020 Meeting Minutes. - Cancelled
4/29/20 Meeting Minutes. 12/12/19 Meeting Minutes.
4/1/20 Meeting Minutes. 4/26/19 Meeting Minutes.
1/30/20 Meeting Minutes. 12/12/18 Meeting Minutes.
9/5/19 Meeting Minutes. 4/27/18 Meeting Minutes.
4/25/19 Meeting Minutes. 12/6/17 Meeting Minutes.
1/31/19 Meeting Minutes. 4/28/17 Meeting Minutes.
9/6/18 Meeting Minutes. 12/7/16 Meeting Minutes.
4/26/18 Meeting Minutes. 4/29/16 Meeting Minutes.
2/1/18 Meeting Minutes. 12/8/15 Meeting Minutes.
8/30/17 Meeting Minutes. 12/10/14 Meeting Minutes.
4/27/17 Meeting Minutes. 4/11/14 Meeting Minutes.
2/2/17 Meeting Minutes. 12/11/13 Meeting Minutes.
8/31/16 Meeting Minutes.
7/20/16 Meeting Minutes.
4/28/16 Meeting Minutes.
1/28/16 Meeting Minutes.
9/2/15 Meeting Minutes.
4/16/15 Meeting Minutes.
1/29/15 Meeting Minutes.
9/3/14 Meeting Minutes.
4/10/14 Meeting Minutes.
1/30/14 Meeting Minutes.
© Copyright 2025 Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.