

Let The Countdown Begin! Only 6 More Days Until The Student-Athlete Leadership Conference!!

July 28, 2016 10:00 AM

     The final countdown to the start of the 7th annual MPSSAA Student‐Athlete Leadership Conference sponsored by the Allstate Foundation is underway!  The conference kicks off in only six days on Thursday, August 4th at Gaithersburg High School in Montgomery County.  Check-in will begin at 8:00 a.m., followed by the first opening session at 8:45 a.m., and will conclude by 4:00 p.m.  The conference is open to rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors who participate in interscholastic athletics at MPSSAA member schools and who have not attended a previous MPSSAA Student‐Leadership Conference.  However, registration reached maximum capacity 2 months ago and has been closed to additional attendees.  More information is available here on our website under "Membership Services".  

     Each school had the opportunity to initially send up to  five student delegates selected and registered by the school's Athletic Director by May 6th.  After May 6th, the MPSSAA opened the remaining unfilled spots for the conference to as many student‐athletes from any school that would like to attend until our capacity was reached.  It is imperative that selected student-athletes understand their commitment to attend the conference.  The structure of the conference provides student interaction through dynamic guest speakers and interactive workshops.  Students will create their own solutions for enhancing sportsmanship, leadership, and community involvement in their own school setting.

     Any questions about participating in the conference should be directed to
the Student-Athlete Leadership Conference Chair, Michael Duffy at 410‐313‐2874 or

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