

MPSSAA Mourns the Passing of Mary Lucas

May 24, 2024

The MPSSAA learned this morning of the passing of Mary Lucas.  Ms. Lucas worked in the MPSSAA office as the Coordinator of Information and Publications from 1988 to 2006.  Ms. Lucas was the first to hold the newly created position in 1988 as part of expanding the MPSSAA office from two to four staff members.    

MPSSAA Scout Newsletters on Mary Lucas Hire and Retirement with the MPSSAA 

Mary Lucas came to the MPSSAA after 31 years as a teacher and a coach at Bladensburg High School in Prince George’s County.  As the Coordinator of Information and Publications, she devoted countless hours to upgrading MPSSAA bulletins, handbooks, playoff magazines, state record books, and newsletters.  Anyone that knew Mary, knew you better not forget to turn in your team photos for the state playoff book.  

A passion of Mary’s was keeping the history of high school sports, beyond the MPSSAA.  She went above and beyond to track down lost records through historical archives including newspaper clippings in library branches.  Ms. Lucas uncovered and updated information on pre-MPSSAA era tournaments, the Maryland Playground Athletic League, segregated school tournaments, and national records.    

Mary Lucas may be best known for her smile that lit up the track and field championships.  A duo of stalwarts, the late Al Smith at the announcer stand with Ms. Lucas at his side communicating times, records, and schedule of events all made the indoor and outdoor championships run to perfection.  

For generations Mary and Al sat at the top of the press box watching over the last day of the Spring MPSSAA State Championships, culminating another academic year.  The MPSSAA Family, as it closes out the 2023-24 season, has to imagine they are still doing the same as we conclude this year’s interscholastic championships.  

The MPSSAA will be forever indebted to the service of Ms. Lucas.  Please keep Mary and her family in your thoughts.  

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