

Non-School Teams and Coaching Contact Information

The following is the Executive's Corner editorial found in spring issue of the MPSSAA Scout Newsletter. The editorial discusses non-school teams and an additional clarification that will be presented to the Board of Control for ratification in April.  The new language can be found on page three of the Scout or at the link at the top of this page. 
By Edward ""Ned"" Sparks
Executive Director, MPSSAA
In response to an informational survey and recommendation of the MPSSAA Strategic Planning Report, the Executive Council is preparing additional clarification on what constitutes a non-school team. That new language featured on the adjacent page of SCOUT is up for ratification by the MPSSAA Board of Control on April 25, 2008.
The proposed language will provide for an adjustment to the 80% rule that now applies to outside teams coached by a member of the school coaching staff. The additional language provides for a relaxing of the 80% limit during the period of time that is outside of the school athletic year. In short, from the first day of fall practice until the completion of the last spring championships the 80% rule remains in effect. From the day after the last spring contest, in any sport, until the first day of fall practice there would be no restrictions on the number of returning players on the roster of an outside team coached by a member of the school coaching staff. Easy to remember – 80% rule during school athletic year – No player restrictions outside the school athletic year.
It is important to remember that this proposed clarification applies to outside teams only. Those teams must be participating in a league or clinic that is organized outside the school system. It does not open the door to school practice beyond the limits of the school season. It does not mean that school coaches may begin practice for summer teams before the conclusion of the school athletic year. It does not change the restriction on use of school name, equipment and uniforms. In addition, participation on any outside team cannot be a prerequisite (overt or subtle) for membership on the school team.
The voting members on the Board of Control are listed in the Handbook page 14-15 or at Coaches, athletic directors, administrators are encouraged to contact their voting representatives and share their thoughts.
A synopsis of Board of Control proceeding will be posted on the MPSSAA website.   
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