

College Eligibility & Recruiting Webinars

     In today's climate in interscholastic athletics, there is undeniable pressure that the recruiting process can create for not only parents and student-athletes, but for coaches, guidance counselors, and athletic administrators.  With the increase in interest of moving on to play college sports after high school, recruiting services have evolved and become more common place. While some of these services provide useful information, the overwhelming vast majority of them are looking to capitalize financially on the possible promise of a student-athlete receiving an athletic scholarship.

     This is one of many reasons the MPSSAA is proud to provide an NIAAA-endorsed non-profit webinar solution to educate and inform student-athletes, parents, coaches, guidance counselors, and athletic administrators in each of our member public high schools about the college eligibility and recruiting process.
     The MPSSAA recruiting webinar for Student-Athletes and their parents addresses the following topics in addition to other important topics concerning academic eligibility, recruiting, and social responsibility:
  • Three rules of being a parent
  • Scholarship myths and facts
  • NAIA and JUCO education
  • Scholarships - How they differ
  • The Name Game
  • Negotiate/Cooperative Education
  • Dangers of social networking/cell phones/Saving for College
  • Protecting your Amateurism
  • National Letter of Intent
  • NCAA/NAIA  Eligibility Centers
  • Recruiting Services
  • NCAA core course requirements
     There is also a no cost in-service recruiting webinar for Coaches/Counselors/Athletic Administrators offered by our program partner to assist coaches/AD/counselors with their continuing education on NCAA/NAIA eligibility and recruiting matters.  Feel free to recommend these no-cost webinars to anyone with a vested interest in the future of our high school student-athletes so that we all do the best job possible serving our athletic community.

200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD21201 | P:410.767.0555 | F:410.333.3111
Office Hours: Mon-Fri:7:30AM - 4:30PM

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