Welcome to the Sanctioning landing page! Everything you need to sanction your event can be found here in the menu on the left hand side of this page from understanding the sanctioning process, to determining if a form needs to be completed and if so, the correct form to use. If you are looking to find if an event has been sanctioned, select the specific sport to find a specific event in the list below. Have an additional question or need a clarification? Please contact Assistant Director, Jason Bursick in the MPSSAA Office (410-767-0415).
Please note: The MPSSAA Intrastate Sanction Form is used only for intercounty/city contests involving more than three Maryland teams AND sponsored by a non-member educational institution. This form can be filled out online and submitted electronically but must include an official listing of participating schools before it can be processed for approval. Member MPSSAA schools may host intercounty/city contests involving other member MPSSAA schools or schools approved through the Standards of Competition without sanctioning approval.
The MPSSAA Bordering State Sanction Form and MPSSAA Interstate Sanction Form are used when an event has schools from OUTSIDE Maryland that are invited to participate against member MPSSAA schools. These forms can be filled out online, printed, and then faxed, or scanned and emailed to the MPSSAA Office. The submitted forms MUST include an official listing of participating schools before it can be processed for approval. If unsure of which form to use, please utilize the "Sanctioning Levels and Required Forms" item in the menu on the left or contact Jason Bursick, Assistant Director, in the MPSSAA Office (410-767-0415).
Schools interested in competing in events beyond state borders should make sure that the sponsoring institution or agency has made application to their home association for sanctioning and that our member schools are listed as participants. This will ensure that MPSSAA will be contacted to approve or deny participation from the host state association as part of the event sanctioning process. Each such request will be evaluated based upon current by-laws and policies. Factors such as distance to be traveled, loss of instructional time, impact on instructional time, number of total contests, and the potential for exploitation of student-athletes are considered in the evaluation of each contest, meet, or tournament for which sanctioning approval is requested. Sanction approval will NOT be given to events which conflict with MPSSAA-sponsored events, are sponsored by non-educational institutions or agencies, provide awards to participants that do not meet with Association standards, and are scheduled outside of the seasonal limitations outlined in the Association by-laws.
200 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD21201 | P:410.767.0555 | F:410.333.3111
Office Hours: Mon-Fri:7:30AM - 4:30PM
© Copyright 2025 Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.