


     In an effort to help our member schools fill coaching and Athletic Administrator vacancies, we provide this feature to assist with getting the word out about positions that are available.  In order to submit a vacancy notice, the information on the "Request A Vacancy" page is password protected and needs to be completed by the school Athletic Director or their designee.  Requests will be reviewed for approval before being posted for all to see on the submission list below.  Use the search feature below to filter the list in a variety of ways in order to see the postings from a particular school, sport, or type of position available, just to name a few.

     Submission of information to this Coach/Athletic Director Vacancies page is limited to MPSSAA-member schools. Only officially sanctioned interscholastic athletic positions are eligible for listing on this page.   Submissions will remain on the page for 60 days or right after the closing date has passed before being deleted.  If a vacancy is filled prior to the 60 days, please email Melissa Miranda Jones, Program Specialist, to remove the posting.

Coach/Athletic Directory Vacancy Submissions

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 First NameLast NameSchoolSportPosition AvailableApplication DeadlineDescription
RobertLangwayDuValFootballAssistant Coaches07/31/2025DuVal High School is seeking to fill positions for the 2025 season. Positions include: DB Coach, O-line Coach, D-line Coach, Receivers Coach, and JV Coaches. No paid positions are available. If interested, please contact Head Coach Mckinney at
MikeMcEwanLoch RavenSoccerHead Coach04/11/2025Loch Raven is a 1A school in Towson who is seeking a new Head Coach. Interested candidates should email their resume to AD Mike McEwan at by April 11th. Thanks
patricknixonMergenthaler Vocational-TechnicalTrack & FieldGirls Head Coach05/01/2025We are a 4a track program located in Northeast Baltimore. We are a proud and rich track program. We are looking for someone who dedicated to the well-being of our student athletes on and off the field. All candidates must have either coaching or running experience. Canidates must be able to work well with others. If you are interested, please send your resume to Athletic Director Patrick Nixon ( We are looking to fill the position immediately.
patricknixonMergenthaler Vocational-TechnicalBasketballBoys Head Coach03/28/2025We are a 4A program located in Northeast Baltimore City. We are looking for a strong candidate that can create an environment that promotes academic and athletic success. We are looking for someone that has experience playing at a high level or a proven coaching record. We are as school community that is eager to take our program to the next level. If you are interested in the position, please send your resume and cover letter to Athletic director Patrick Nixon at (
WilliamWinnerOwings MillsFootballAssistant Coaches06/01/2025Owings Mills High School, a 1A/2A Baltimore County School is looking to fill assistant football coaching positions for the 2025 season. These coaching positions include: Varsity O-line Coach and various position coaching positions. Some Paid stipend positions are available. Please send resume to Head Coach Josh Leese at
LoriPowersPatapscoBasketball11/15/202504/30/2025Patapsco High School has openings for Boys JV, Varsity, and Varsity Assistant basketball positions. Please send your resume to Lori Powers at Interviews will begin early May.
MarcusLewisReservoirFootballJV Football-Head Coach06/23/2025Reservoir HS is looking for a Head JV Football Coach. Experience preferred. If interested, please email This position does NOT include a teaching position in the building.
Jason Williams SouthwesternSoftballCoaching 05/02/2025If interested in coaching varsity softball, contact Jason Williams
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