

The 50th Anniversary of Title IX - June 23, 2022 - Edition IV

MPSSAA Title IX at 50 Content

Edition IV - MPSSAA Honoring the Local School System Title IX Heroes and Contributors   

“No person in the United States shall on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Title IX of the Civil Rights Act was signed into law by President Nixon on June 23rd, 1972. As we embark on the 50th year anniversary, the MPSSAA would like to recognize the history and the contributions of those who have and continue to advocate for female student-athletes.

The MPSSAA is forever indebted to these individuals, pioneers, trailblazers, and moments of magnitude that stretch into Maryland’s history, long before Title IX was enacted.  Leading up to the 50th Anniversary, the MPSSAA will be posting numerous artifacts and stories on the contributions and legacy of Marylanders who have paved the way for increased participation.  

The fourth and final edition in a series of Title IX information will look at the local school system heroes and contributors that have grown female participation in high school sports across Maryland.  Behind these stories are individuals that volunteered countless hours to the growth of female athletes.  As told by submissions from local school systems, these individuals provide a snippet into the stories and history of local community progress since the passage of Title IX as the MPSSAA celebrates Title IX at 50.


Allegany County

Joan Fitzpatrick - Begun her teaching and coaching career at Fort Hill, then Mount Savage, she began coaching at Valley High School in 1971, where she coached basketball, volleyball, track and gymnastics. Her basketball teams at Valley, then at Westmar, combined for an overall record of 318-121, with four WMIL titles, three Region titles and back-to-back Maryland state championships in 1990 and 1991.

Joanne NickelAn Allegany County Icon, she can be attributed to many of the participation opportunities within the county.  Taught and coached for 28 years at Mount Savage, winning her first state title in basketball in 1977, which was the only girls basketball title in school history.  Her volleyball teams made it to the state tournament in nearly half of the years she spent at Mount Savage High, reaching the state tourney 11 times and capturing four state crowns.

Annabelle Arnold – With Joanne Nickel and Joan Fitzpatrick, they build girls sports from the ground up in Allegany County.  Arnold is credited with using Title IX to ensure female sport coaches were being paid. 

Other Notable Contributors: Valarie Broadwater (Coach and MPSSAA Rep.), Tracey Leonard (Supervisor of Athletics), Karen Bundy (1st Female Supervisor for Allegany County, MPSSAA Volleyball Committee Director)

Anne Arundel County

Lilian Shelton – 37-year Field Hockey Coach with a career record of 544-60-10.  Co-founder of the Field Hockey Coaches Association and growth of the state field hockey championships.

Jean Boyd – Teacher, coach, administrator, and assistant county coordinator known for her work in sportsmanship.  The Anne Arundel County Coaches Association hands out an award in her honor.  Boyd was the MPSSAA Director of the Field Hockey Committee beginning in 1980.  

Other Notable Contributors: Marlene Kelly (Supervisor of Athletics 1993-2006 and MPSSAA President), Marianne Shultz (Girls’ Soccer Committee Director), Lynn Pitonzo (MPSSAA Softball Committee Director)

Baltimore City

M. Evelyn Johnson – Evelyn taught physical education at Carver High School where she coached basketball from 1953-1959. She taught at Forest Park High School from 1959-1990. She became the first female athletic director in 1967 in Baltimore City.

Eva G. Scott –  pioneer at Western High School, Scott was the first African American teacher hired at the nation’s oldest all-girls public high school in 1958. She served as a department  chair and coach during a time they were not paid for the duties. She later became the athletic director, making her the second female to serve in this role in Baltimore City. In May of 1994, the stadium that Poly and Western share, previously called Robert Lumsden Stadium, was changed to Lumsden-Scott Stadium.

Dana Johnson – Western High School All-American basketball player, coached by the illustrious Breezy Bishop, and attended the University of Tennessee on a full scholarship to play for the legendary Pat Summit. Served as athletic director for Southside Academy and currently serves as athletic director for Dunbar High School. In 2018, Ms. Johnson became the first African American to serve as the President of the Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association. She also served as the President of the Maryland State Athletic Directors Association; earning the distinction of being the first person to ever be President of both associations at the same time.

Krystal Vaughn – Standout Lake Clifton girls basketball star who played at VCU before being drafted to the WNBA. 

Tiffany Byrd – Former teacher and coach at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute (founded in 1883 as a school for males students interested in manual arts) became the  school’s first female and first African-American athletic director in 2004. In 2015, her hire as the Coordinator of Athletics made her the first female to lead district athletics for Baltimore City Public Schools.

Other Notable Contributors:  Jessica Ivey (Educational Specialist, Athletics)

Baltimore County

Maryilyn Bevans – The former Perry Hall coach was the first sub-three-hour, African-American female marathon runner, and the first national-class black female American marathoner. She came in second place at the 1973 Maryland Marathon with a time of 3:31:45, and again came in second at the 1977 Boston Marathon, where she ran 2:51:12. In 1977, she was ranked as the 10th fastest female marathoner in the world by Track & Field News.

Jill Masterman – Former Supervisor of Athletics, Volleyball and Softball Tournament Director, Girls Basketball Business manager, Chair of MPSSAA Committees, MPSSAA Female Athletic Specialist, started the Girls Gold Invitational.  Dulaney High School HOF, UNC-Greensboro Hall of Fame, NFHS Citation Award for Section 2.   

Mildred Murray – 1st MPSSAA female President, 1st girls basketball, field hockey, softball, and lacrosse director.  1st Coordinator of Physical Education and Athletics in Baltimore County.

Other Notable Contributors:  Mildred Murray (1st MPSSAA Female President), Milly Wilson (MPSSAA Coordinator of Scores and Brackets), Melba Williams (Girls Lacrosse Committee Chair), Diane George (Girls Basketball Tournament Director), Lynette Mitzel (Supervisor of Athletics, Basketball Committee Chair, NFHS Sport and Standing Committee Representative), Sarajane Quinn (MPSSAA Basketball Tournament Director), Vivienne Daily (First Female Director of the Girls’ Soccer Committee), Norma Bankford (MPSSAA Field Hockey Director)

Calvert County

Margaret Claire Dunkle - Mrs. Dunkle is a native of Calvert County whose father was the school superintendent of schools.  From 1972 to 1977, she served as the associate director of the Project on the Status and Education of Women, Association of American Colleges.  From 1977 to 1979, Dunkle was the special assistant in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislation, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.   It was in these positions that she would take on her role as advocate for Title IX.

In the 1974 landmark report "What Constitutes Equality for Women in Sports? Federal Law Puts Women in the Running,"  Dunkle described the state of women's sports and how it could be improved. She identified the great disparities between the amount of attention and money spent on men's sports versus that spent on women’s sports. One large midwestern university “spent more than $2,600,000 on men's intercollegiate athletics, but no money whatsoever, on women's intercollegiate athletics."    Dunkle’s report offered the first written documentation of such discrimination. Dunkle was also the author of "Competitive Athletics: In Search of Equal Opportunity," an informational guide which would be used by colleges to address inequities and to work toward compliance with Title IX.Dunkle wanted women to feel that equal opportunity was justified. Dunkle was not content. Her vision extended beyond college.  She began fighting for changes at the elementary and secondary level. 

 Other Notable Contributors: Kim Roof (MPSSAA Committee and Representative)

Caroline County

Jackie Pinckens – 30-plus years of coaching girls basketball with 400 plus wins in Caroline County.  Coach and Teacher at North Caroline High school for over 30  years.  Unretired in 2005 to return to coaching for additional nine years. 

Terri Jester - A fixture at Colonel Richardson High School, teaching physical education and being widely involved in women's sports.  Alongside her husband, Varsity Softball Coach Earl Jester, she helped transform Colonel's softball team into an annual contender, notching multiple state, regional, and Bayside championships.  As head volleyball coach, she saw two regional titles in her five years.

Carroll County

Deb Eaton – Former three-sport athlete who became a multi-sport coach at South Carroll high school.  Spent 31-years teaching and coaching various sports at South Carroll. 

Sue Hooper – Coached the first state championship in school history for Westminster high school in 1976.    Paired with Brenda Baker in 1982 and they co-coached until 1996.  Together they won 4 state titles and reached the state tournament in 12 of the 14 seasons.

Jen Gosselin – First full-time female athletic director in Carroll County.  First female member of the girls’ wrestling committee and a 1987 Baltimore Sun Athlete of the Year

Other Notable Contributors: Margaret Cush (First Female AD, Westminster, HS), Kim Dolch (North Carroll HS Principal and MPSSAA President)

Cecil County

Anne Gellrich – Teacher, Coach, Athletic Director, Principal, and Executive Director in Cecil County.  She became the first female athletic director in 1992 at Bohemia Manor High School. She worked to expand the role of cheerleading to support all sports and develop equitable facilities for boys and girls athletics throughout the County.  Anne also served on the MPSSAA Girls Basketball Committee from 1992-2011.

Mary Etta Reedy - Mrs. Reedy has a long and distinguished career in Cecil County and Cecil College not only in athletics, but education. She has held numerous roles within Cecil County Public Schools as a Teacher, Coach, Asst. Principal, Supervisor of PE/Health and Interscholastic Athletics and Executive Director.  Her lifelong dedication to education is evident. In addition she coached various sports at North East High School for 20 years, leading the field hockey team, the basketball team (men and women) the softball team and volleyball team. At North East she coached 3 state champion volleyball teams and 1 state champion softball team. At Cecil College she was an instructor teaching various health and physical education courses. She coached the women’s basketball and volleyball programs while at Cecil leading both programs to region tournaments. She led the college volleyball team to its only National Tournament appearance.

Other Notable Contributors: Sue Strobel (Coordinator of Athletics and MPSSAA Basketball Committee Chair)

Charles County

Leslie Cooke – McDonough High School AD, Athletic Director of the Year, Teacher, and iconic volleyball coach.  The MPSSAA Volleyball Sportsmanship Award is titled in her honor.  McDonough High School Athletic Complex is named in her honor.  MSADA Hall of Fame.

Jen Smith – Athletic Director in Charles County has held numerous leadership positions including Southern Maryland Athletic Conference, MSADA, and MPSSAA District Rep. 

Other Notable Contributors: Beth Shook (MPSSAA Track and Field Chair), Jan Johnson (First District-4 Female on the Executive Council and Coordinator of Athletics), Dr. Sylvia Lawson (Deputy Superintendent MSDE, MPSSAA Board of Control Representative, Sport Official’s Observer)

Dorchester County

Terri Wright – Longest tenured Athletic Director (male or female) in Dorchester County History for 16 years at North Dorchester High School. In that capacity, she was able to coach field hockey for 16 years, softball for 5 years, Boys tennis for one year, and girls basketball for one year. She was also an assistant volleyball coach for 5 years, field hockey (1), boys and girls tennis (2), and softball (1).   In addition, Terri Wright was honored with Teacher of the Year at North Dorchester High School in her storied 36-year teaching career. Former member of the Dorchester Board of Control in the MPSSAA.

Kareem Otey – Cambridge-SD athletic director for three years. She has been a head coach in girls’ soccer, softball, and Unified Strength and Conditioning. She was a two-year member of the MPSSAA Board of Control for Dorchester County.  

Carol Hubbard -North Dorchester High School, regional winning volleyball head coach for nine years and the head softball coach for 7 years. In addition, she has been  the assistant athletic director for two years.

Frederick County

Debbie Thompson Brown – As a Frederick High School Student, she placed second in the 200-m dash at the Olympic Trials to compete at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.  Returned to coach at Frederick High School.

Carol Smith – First female athletic director for Frederick County Public Schools at Brunswick High School.  Started in 1979 with a  25-year career as AD. 

Sharon Boyer – An iconic coach in Frederick County (Middletown High School) who was inducted into the Frederick County Hall of Fame in 2001.  Operated numerous MPSSAA track and field events. 

Liz Pardo – Walkersville High School graduate who became the first female coach in Orioles History. 

Other Notable Contributors:  Walkersville High School graduate Ann Poffenbarger (player on the University of Maryland’s inaugural women’s varsity basketball team in 1971. Helma Hahn Bowers (Frederick High School), Helen Schley (Brunswick and Middletown High Schools), Maxine Murray (Walkersville High School) and Peggy Trimmer (Walkersville High School) - pioneers for girls’ sports in Frederick County and FCPS.

FCPS Note: In the fall of 1923, Frederick County became the first place in Maryland outside of Baltimore to offer high school girls’ sports, according to a Frederick Daily News article that October. The sport of field ball, a girls-only, soccer-like sport where participants used their hands instead of kicking the ball, debuted that fall with four participating schools—Brunswick, Frederick, Middletown and Thurmont.

Garrett County

Vonda Yunker – One of Garrett County’s first female coaches.  A 1985 volleyball state champion and started softball at Northern in 1976. 

Helen Rostosky – First female coach at Southern-G High School.  Credited with starting many of the female sport opportunities available today. 

Harford County

Phyllis Hemmes – 45 years at Bel Air High school as a teacher, coach, and AD.  Joined MPSSAA committees in 1978, and chaired the field hockey committee from 2000-2021.  Helped establish the girls lacrosse state tournament, NFHS Field Hockey Rules Committee, NFHS State Award for Outstanding Service to a State Association, Multi AD of the Year, and a member of the MD Athletic Director Hall of Fame. 

Alice Puckett - Physical Education Teacher at Fallston High School for 30 years; Field Hockey coach at Fallston and John Carroll; has a final record of  401-112-20 between the two schools; celebrated 400th win in field hockey November 2019; 11 State Championships, 2 IAAM B-Conference Championships, 19 regional titles; All-Metro Coach of the Year, 1988, 1994, 1998, 2007, 2019; Harford County Coach of the Year 4 times; National Federation National Coach of the Year 2003; John Carroll Hall of Fame (1993), Bridgewater College Hall of Fame (2006), Fallston High School Hall of Fame (2018); helped to start the MAryland State High School Coaches Association 1993; Owner and Operator of Puckett’s Field Hockey Camps 1996-2019

“I have many memories when Title IX was implemented and the anticipation that was building for women in sport.  While it was intended to be positive, there was much to do about the negative impact on men's sports.  Programs that existed for men would have to be cut because the schools couldn’t afford to offer programs for males and females, now that this was mandatory.  It was so exciting that colleges were now offering scholarships for female athletes and the women’s sports were getting more publicity.  Old Dominion University in Virginia really embraced this and built a dynamic women’s program in several sports.”

Lynn James - Taught and coached (field hockey, basketball and gymnastics) at North Harford High School for 40 years; Accumulated 611 wins in 2013 in the sport of basketball (At the time, this was the most wins by any women’s coach in the state of Maryland.); had several regional championships and 1 appearance in the state final; Inducted into the the Maryland State Coaching Hall of Fame

“Title IX gives importance , value and recognition to girls who are deserving of equal treatment.  I was coaching before IX even started and required equal rights for my girls before it was even a regulation.  Equal gym time, equal amount of games, equal opportunities to participate in any sport. I believe we were the 1st school to let a girl play on the boys soccer team back in the late 70s, early 80s. She was physically able to compete and mentally ready for the challenge and I supported her and her family's choice to make a stand.”

Other Notable Contributors: Sarah Friedman (Physical Education teacher, Athletic Director and coach of multiple sports including Boys Basketball at Edgewood High School), Heather Crawford (teacher (24 years), Athletic Director (15) at Havre de Grace High School, District 7 Athletic Director of the Year (2015, 2020), Debbie Basler (First female Coordinator of Athletics for Harford County, MPSSAA Volleyball Tournament Director), Barbara Day (BBOWS Committee Member, MPSSAA Sport Committees, MPSSAA Officials Observer).

Howard County

Carol Satterwhite – Retired Athletic Director from Wilde Lake High School became Executive Director of the Maryland State Athletic Directors Association, elevating the professional growth of Maryland athletic directors.  Her state and national presence has led the way for many female athletic administrators. 

Ginger Kincaid – 30 plus years as a teacher, coach and advocate for women’s sports on MPSSAA sport committees.  Won numerous state titles in girls lacrosse and field hockey at Glenelg High School.

Gail Purcell – Three sport Howard County coach with 20 years in field hockey.  Second female AD at Centennial HS.

Jeannette Ireland – 30 plus years of coaching with 300 plus field hockey wins in Howard County. 

Other Notable Contributors: Jean Vanderpool (Coach, AD, State Tennis Director), Brooke Kuhl- McClellan (multiple state championships at Mount Hebron HS in girls lacrosse), Jeannie Prevosto (Coach, AD, MPSSAA State Committees), Sybil Kessinger (MPSSAA Volleyball Committee Director)

Kent County

Mary Fisher - 1st female AD at Kent County High School, 2004 State Athletic Director of the year, 1st female President of the Bayside Conference, Implemented the Annual Bayside Scholar Athlete Banquet, Served on a State Title IX committee, Coached Region Championship teams in Volleyball and Softball and is a current MPSSAA District 8 Representative.

Other Notable Contributors:  Carroll Jackson Smith (PE Teacher, Girls Basketball Coach at KCHS Region Championship Winner) Lisa Orem (PE Teacher Vice Principal, 1st ballot inductee into Kent County High School Athletic Hall of Fame), Michelle Phillips (Teacher at KCHS, Coach of Volleyball, Basketball and Softball, 1st ballot inductee into Kent County High School Athletic Hall of Fame) Trish McGee (Coached Varsity Field Hockey at Kent County High School for 15 years during which she led the team to six Region Championships, two State Finals and two Conference Championships. She continues to promote female athletics for youth, high school and the local colleges as the sports editor of the local newspaper. She is also a member of the Kent County Athletic Hall of Fame)

Montgomery County

Pat Barry – 2nd tournament director of the MPSSAA Girls Basketball Committee and Coordinator of Athletics from 1975-1995 for Montgomery County Public Schools.  MPSSAA President and Maryland State Athletic Directors Association Hall of Fame inductee.    

Sue Amos - Ms. Amos was instrumental in starting the softball and field hockey programs at Col. Zadok Magruder high school and won the field hockey state championship in 1984. She holds the longest career of a female athletic director in Montgomery County spanning two schools (John F. Kennedy and Walter Johnson) over 26 years. In addition, Ms. Amos participated in the first Title IX Analysis Committee for Montgomery County Athletics, ensuring equitable facilities, spending, and recruitment of female coaches. Lastly, Ms. Amos was the first female inducted into the Col. Zadok Magruder Hall of Fame. 

Dorothy “Dotti” Rowe – First female cross country runner in Montgomery County Public School history.  Went on to have a 20-year career in health administration at the Harvard Medical School.

Judy Rothstein – Ms. Rothstein transitioned Montgomery County Public School Girls Tennis from a fall season to a spring season to align with participating in state competition. Ms. Rothstein coached both boys’ and girls’ tennis for 35 years and was groundbreaking in being the first female to coach boys’ tennis.  

Amy Wood coached field hockey at BCC for 19 years winning a record nine straight Maryland state titles (’94-’02) and earning 277 career wins. She was a two-time Washington Post All-Met coach of the year, and a recipient of the Morgan Wootten lifetime achievement award and was inducted into the Montgomery County Hall of Fame. Wood played field hockey at the University of Connecticut and was also a coach of the Washington Wolves field hockey club

Jeri Ingram became the first undefeated tennis player in Maryland history when she went 106-0 at Springbrook from 1985-1988. She continued her undefeated streak at the University of Maryland becoming the ACC champion in 1989. Ingram went on to an eight-year professional tennis career. Inspired by her mentor Arthur Ashe, she is the Executive Director and Developmental Coach for the Metropolitan Tennis and Education Group.

Other Notable ContributorsBarbara Riley (1st female Coordinator of Girls’ Secondary PE and Sports, eventually becoming Division Director) Liz Bouve Johnson (County Supervisor of Athletics) Gaby Von Nordheim (County Supervisor of Athletics), Helen Maroulis (Col. Zadok Magruder first American female to win two olympic gold medals in wrestling).

Prince George’s County

Shirley Diggs – First and only female African American Coordinating Supervisor of Athletics for Prince George’s County (28 high schools and 32 middle schools) and over 15-year AD. Attended Univ. of  Northern Colorado on a volleyball scholarship. Moving from Colorado in 1990 after being the founder of the Colorado Springs Volleyball Jrs., Volleyball Head Coach and Colorado College Asst. Volleyball Coach. In 1990, Coach of the Godfather Junior Volleyball team in Maryland.  Teaching and coaching volleyball and track over 40 years. Member of the MPSSAA Volleyball Committee. Two time PGCPS Coach of the Year for volleyball and District 3 AD of the Year and  two time State Qualifier for volleyball.

Christine Johnson - MPSSAA HOF inductee 2000,  1st Woman Athletic Director at Oxon Hill, Title IX Committee Member, Coaching career as Volleyball Coach: Duval, Oxon Hill, and Parkdale. College Coach Bowie St. University Assistant Women's Basketball Coach. Coached on Junior high level for many years as well.

Rebekkah Brunson – Oxon Hill Basketball star went on to the WNBA as a first round pick out Georgetown.  A five-time WNBA champion and five-time WNBA all-star.  Currently an assistant coach with the Minnesota Lynx. 

Terri Dendy - Attended George Mason Univ. on track scholarship. Coach of the Year for track and field at Univ. of   Delaware. 1995 Pan American, silver medalist for the 4x4. 1993 World Champion in the 4x4 relay for the United States in Germany. 1988 Olympic qualifier and Silver Medalist for the 4x4 relay of the United States Track team. 2008, moved from New York and became Athletic Director and track coach. Received in 2010 District 3 AD of the Year. 

Ayana Ball - scholarship and played basketball at Howard Univ.; Athletic Director at Largo High School, District 3 AD of the Year and Largo Girls Basketball Coach - led her team to win 2 Maryland State Championships in 3A 2007, 2A 2016, and State Finalist in 2015 and 2017.

Other Notable ContributorsJoanne Perryman (1st Director of the Girls’ Track Committee in 1975), Mary Lucas (Bladensburg HS Coach and Teacher who became MPSSAA Historian, Publications Specialist)

Queen Anne’s County

 Patty Burton - Physical Education Teacher and Coach from 1984-2010 at Queen Anne’s County High School.  Patty was Head Coach of the Volleyball team for 26 years and was instrumental in transforming the Lion’s Volleyball team into an annual contender.  Patty also coached Softball, Basketball, Lacrosse and Field Hockey over her career at Queen Anne’s County High School.   

St. Mary’s County

Nancy Bottorf – Responsible for bringing field hockey to St. Mary’s County and contributed greatly to the growth of field hockey in southern Maryland. She was the Head field hockey coach at Chopticon High School from 1976-2000 and represented Maryland on the NFHS Rules Committee. 

Brenda Henley – 1st female athletic director for St. Mary’s County.  Former President of the Southern Maryland Athletic Conference and part of the Maryland Athletic Director’s Hall of Fame. 

Jennifer Henderson – Responsible for starting girls’ soccer in St. Mary’s County, growing the sport locally and winning multiple state titles. 

Somerset County

Sue Grudis - Taught Physical Education for 40 years in Somerset County.  During her time in Somerset, she coached field hockey for Washington High School for forty years and won  state championships in 1999 and 2000.  She also coached softball and won the state title in 1985.  Besides state championships, Sue helped lead her teams to several Bayside Championships during her coaching career.  Sue Grudis was the first female Athletic Director in Somerset County.  Even after retiring from teaching, Sue continues to be active with female athletics.

Talbot County

Debbie McQuaid – Credit as a coach for the growth of field hockey not just in Talbot County, but across the Eastern Shore with various youth camps and clinics for females. 

Other Notable Contributors: Gail Phillips (Coordinator of Athletics), Kurishna Hoffman (Coach, AD, Coordinator of Athletics). 

Washington County

Rosemarie Williams - First girls track coach at Williamsport High School.  Also coached women’s basketball capturing nine county titles.  She was a physical education teacher that is known as a pioneer in getting girls sports off the ground in Washington County Public Schools. 

Marcia Nissel - Longest tenured Athletic Director in Washington County history.  Marcia served as Athletic Director at North Hagerstown High School for 29 years.

Cheryl Wilkes - Former physical education teacher at Springfield Middle School in Williamsport that started a middle school volleyball play day program for girls that eventually turned into an intramural program for the county that is still active today.

Teresa Bachtell - Former physical education teacher, coach and Athletic Director at Smithsburg High School.  Was instrumental in getting equal pay for women coaches and equality in the number of coaches for girls and boys sports in Washington County.

Diana Christian - Former girls basketball coach at North Hagerstown High School who along with Teresa Bachtell was instrumental in getting equal pay for women coaches and equality in the number of coaches for girls and boys sports in Washington County.

Other Notable Contributors:  Lisa Shives (MPSSAA Equity Committee, Athletic Director, Volleyball and Tennis Coach), Emily Crabtree (MPSSAA 2A Volleyball Region Director, Athletic Director and Volleyball Coach), Sue Lowery (Athletic Director and Coach), Becky Ward (MPSSAA Track and Field Committee and Coach), Rachel Bachtell (MPSSAA Volleyball Rep.)

Wicomico County

Barbara McCool - 1st female AD at Mardela and 1st AD within Wicomico County, 675  wins in women's basketball, 2 field hockey state championships, produced multiple state champions in track, and she also coached volleyball.   She was the first female coach to coach a male sport (men's soccer) was instrumental in beginning the Bayside Scholar Athletes Awards Program.

Mary Troy – Tenured teacher, coach, and administrator in Wicomico County that grew female participation. 

Other Notable Contributors:  Peggy Troiano (MPSSAA Volleyball Committee Director and advocate for allied sports)

Worcester County

Susan Pusey - named the varsity head coach of the Pocomoke field hockey program in the fall of 1991. In her 22 seasons with the Warriors, Pusey won 16 state championships, which is the second most in Maryland public school history. A few of her career accomplishments include 8 consecutive state titles from 2003-2010, a "Triple Crown" state title in which she and her two brothers won state titles for Pocomoke High School all in the same school year, and her "Perfect" season where her team won the state title without ever being scored upon the entire season in 1994.

Amy Fenzel-Mergott - Girls’ soccer and basketball coach at Stephen Decatur High School.   Spearheaded a campaign with the entire Bayside conference for equality in sports scheduling specifically with the girls’ and boys’ basketball (1999). Prior to this time, girls played their varsity games after school while the boys played their games at prime times. After about two years of struggles, equality was achieved and was then trickled down to the other bayside sports.   

High School Sport Officials

Baltimore Board of Women’s Sport Officials - A Moment of Magnitude in Maryland female sports can be traced back to the formation of the Baltimore Board of Women’s Officials (BBOWS).  BBOWS is noted to be in existence as early as 1942-43, when listed in a letter by previous chairman Eleanor L. Wright, that the officials board had nine nationally rated officials for all of Maryland during that academic year.  Read the MPSSAA Moment of Magnitude on Brenda Gelston, Jan Welsh, Barbara Day, Kathy Zerrlaut, Kathy Campbell, and Fran Trumbo regarding the Baltimore Board of Women’s Sport Officials.      

Notable Contributors:  The MPSSAA wishes to also send an appreciation to all high school sport officials and the tremendous growth of female sport officials.  High school students benefit from high school sports.  Communities grow around high school sports.  Parents dream and enjoy their kids participating in high school sports.  What high school sports need to sustain participation, is sport officials.  For those that have stepped up over the years to make these programs happen, thank you!

These names and stories only tell a small sample of the work of so many coaches, principals, officials, and athletic administrators over the last 50 years.  From the Pre-Title IX to Title IX at 50, let this celebration of those that have laid the foundation be a calling for all of us to ensure equality for student participation. 

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