

Winning The Big Game Is Sweet For 2017 State Basketball Champions!!

March 11, 2017 09:45 PM
A female Largo basketball player blocks the shot of an opposing Williamsport player in the 2016 2A Final.

     The echos of fans cheering and basketballs bouncing have faded away as eight State basketball champions were crowned this weekend.  None of last year's champs were able to successfully defend their crowns, half of the new State title holders are first time title winners, and one school won their first championship in 36 years!  Select the links below to view the complete brackets, State results, and official game statistics.

     Championship Saturday began with the New Town Girls winning their first state title in Class 2A and the Fairmont Heights Boys winning their 8th title, but first in 36 years, in Class 1A.  The Catonsville Girls won the Class 4A title, their first ever, while the Poly Boys pulled down their first State crown in Class 3A. In Girls 1A, Patterson Mill prevailed to win their 3rd title and the Patterson Boys were tops in Class 2A to win their 2nd state championship.  Rounding out the day, the Frederick Girls took home a state title for the 2nd time in Class 3A while Perry Hall Boys had to go into overtime before winning their first crown in Class 4A.  Tournament sportsmanship award winners were the Atholton Girls and the Harford Technical Boys.  Congrats to the teams and fans of both of those schools for setting a fine example for others to follow!

     Nightmare Graphics sold out of souvenir tournament merchandise but you can go to their online store and order what you need.  Don't forget to relive every exciting play on-demand or purchase DVD's of each final game which are available usually within 72 hours of the event, so don't miss out!

     We would like to recognize the extraordinary time and effort put in by the State Basketball Tournament Committees led by Earl Hawkins and Lynette Mitzel respectively.  We are also deeply appreciative of the legion of dedicated tournament workers, led by Boys Tournament Director Jeff Sullivan and Girls Tournament Director Diane George, without whom this tournament would not have been possible.  Our thanks also go to the University of Maryland's and Towson University's Athletic Departments for making their fabulous facilities available to us and for their cooperation and assistance with making the State Basketball Tournaments so special!

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